T & P Cell - Notices

T & P Cell - Notices

Dear Student,

It is to inform that Bosch Drive is Scheduled on 26th March 2016. All Registered Students need to report at AB-II 309 ,9:45AM.

Note: Seating Plan is Displayed Previously.
Dear student,

It is to inform all registered Students of Divami that recruitment drive is scheduled on 22nd March 2016 i.e.Tomorrow and all registered students need to report at AB-II 308 and 309 Classes at 8:00AM.

And also check for updated seating plan.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student,

It is to inform that Syntel recruitment drive is schedule.Go through the syntel website and register.

URL: Click Here

Dear student,

Mandatory Documents to be carried:

1) 2 Sets of Updated Resumes
2) Latest Passport Size Photos
3) College Id card with 2 sets of Xerox copies
4) Aadhar Card with 2 sets of Xerox Copies
5) All Academics Original Certificates with 2 sets of Xerox copies.
Dear student,

It is to inform that Bosch recruitment drive has been postponed.

Reschedule of Drive will be informed shortly.
Dear student,

It is hereby informed to all E4 Cse Students that Divami Recruitment Drive is Postponed to 22nd march 2016.
Dear Student,

Bosch Recruitment drive is Scheduled on 21st March 2016 i.e. Monday

Timings of Written Test will be informed shortly.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

Divami Recruitment drive scheduled on 21st March 2016 i.e. Monday

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

Go through the Seating plan of Bosch for Written Examination.

Further details of Written Test will be informed shortly.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

It is hereby informed to all registered students of Bosch that go through the revised list of bosch.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student

It is to inform that following students shortlisted from First Round.

Date of Event will be informed shortly

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student

It is to inform that this is the final list of students registered for Bosch

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all shortlisted students of Infosys that Interview Date were scheduled.

Date: March 22nd 2016
Time: 10:00 AM
Venue: HYD STP Gachibowli

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

It is to inform that Divami conducting recruitment drive . Interested and eligible Students need to register through a link provided in hub.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students of CSE and ECE of E3 that, the TCS is conducting a Webinar on Testing. Students are required to assemble tomorrow (i.e. 16th March 2016) at Auditorium, Academic Block-I at 10:45 AM sharp.
Placement Officer

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

It is hereby informed to all E4 cse students that  ADP conducting recruitment drive for final years.Eligibility and Interested students need to register at local hub.

Branches: CSE
Designation:Software Engineer

URL: Click Here

Dear student,

It is hereby informed to all civil students that 24 students students selected for MEIL.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student,

Last date of registration will be extended by tomorrow.

Link will available in hub by today evening

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all E4 students that Bosch conducting recruitment drive for mechanical students. Interested and eligible students need to register through a link provided in local hub.
Eligibility : Mechanical
CGPA: 60% & above throughout academics (no history of backlogs in any semester)
Joining: June or July 2016 
Last date for Registration: 11-03-16, 4:00PM

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student,

It is hereby informed to all selected students of TCS that TCS conducting a Webinar series. All selected students of tcs need to attend the session Tomorrow i.e. 10-03-16 at AB-I Auditorium,10:45.