Examination Notices

Examination Notices

The students desirous for seeking re-verification for AY_23-24_ E1&E2_S2_EST_Reg&Rem_Aug-24 can pay the fee and submit their online applications available in https://hub.rgukt.ac.in/hub/revaluation on or before 20th January-25. The registrations made through online will only be accepted. No Reverification will be considered for labs, comprehensive viva, mini-project, project, seminar, and internship.

Fee Details: 

Re-verification Fee: Rs.200/- per subject.

Important Dates:

•	Starting date for Registration: 17/01/25.
•	Last date for Registration: 20/01/25

Controller of Examinations

URL: Click Here

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is here-by notified that the results for AY_23-24_E1&E2_S2_EST_Reg&Rem_Aug-24 are published. Do check your results.


Controller of Examinations

URL: Click Here

Dear Students,

             The examinations initially scheduled for December 27, 2024, have been rescheduled as follows: E2 will now take place on January 4 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, and E3 will be held on January 3 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Please make a note of these changes.

Controller of Examinations
Dear Students,

   This is to bring to your attention that, for the AY_24-25_E1_S1_EST_Reg_Dec-24 examination hall tickets will be distributed on 23rd Dec-24(Monday) at AB-II Room No:105 within the specified time slots as given below. All concerned class representatives must collect their hall tickets within the specified period and make sure that every student have hall ticket with them while appearing for the examination.

Slot1: E1: 3:00 PM-03:30 PM

Students having hall tickets with no photos printed on them, must attach the passport sized photo on the hall tickets and get it stamped at the examination counter prior to the examination. It is mandatory to have a photo on your hall ticket, and failure to do so may result in not being allowed to appear for the exam.

Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams.

Dear Students,

Due to scheduling conflicts, the remedial examinations for E4_S1 courses—Disaster Management (CE4302) and Object-Oriented Structures through Java (CS4302)—have been rescheduled. Both exams will now take place on January 3, 2025, at 2:00 PM. Kindly make a note of this update.