Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Students,

Go through the attached notice of Webinar by Teach For India.

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

Those who wish to take a copy of their Hall  Ticket of NPTEL Exam scheduled tomorrow can get the same from cabin number EG 44, Faculty Cabins between 1 and 1:30 p.m today  (25-03-2017).

Rakesh Roshan,
Dept of Physics.
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please Find the attachment for SPORTS & GAMES STAFF BADMINTON RESULTS.

N. Rakesh,
Convener, Sports&Games.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

PLease find the enclosed file for complete details on the subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear E1 Students,

Please find attachment of subject cited above.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is hereby informed to final year students of CSE & EEE that the ASA BHANU Technical Services Ltd. would like to conduct recruitment drive for 2020 passed students.

The selected candidates will be trained for the first 3 months in Japanese and English Languages and based on the progress they make during the training some of them may get the opportunity to work in Japan.

The selected candidates will be paid a salary of Rs. 15,000 pm for the first 3 months and based on their performance their salary will be revised after 3 months.

Eligibility Criteria:

•	Branches: EEE & CSE
•	CGPA: 6+
       Active Backlogs: 0

 Interested & eligible students need to register.
Please go through the attached notice.

Download: Notice Attachment

Competition: Creative Writing
Date: 17-6-2023

Venue: E1 Classrooms H & SS building

Time: 5pm to 7pm

Eligible Students: PUC & Engineering 

Guidelines are provided at the venue.

Contact: Mr. G. Shankar 
For any further information please do reach @ : 9603504172
Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of the subject cited above.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear student,

MAQ software conducting recruitment drive for 2016 pass outs of CSE and ECE.Interested and eligible students need to register.

Process of Registration is informed soon.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the registered students for Math Quiz to find the Reporting halls in the attachments
•	All the registered  PUC-I and E-1 students has to report at 5:45 PM on 14-12-2017
•	All the registered PUC-II and E2,E3 students has to report at 6:45 PM on 14-12-2017
for writing Screening Exam for Math Quiz

Note:If Ids are Missing in the Attachments please report to AB-I 104 at 5:45 PM

Download: Notice Attachment

Returning of end sem books on 24th april 2018. (9am to 5 pm)....

Download: Notice Attachment

It is here by informed to all the Nss volunteers.. Even including the upcoming batch(2019-20)..Here comes an essay writing competition on Mahatma Gandhi regard to commemorate Gandhiji's  150th Birth Anniversary...that's exclusively for volunteers of Nss... So guys get ready for that... 

Note: it is better to bring your requirements for essay writing 

30/7/19 (@ 4:30pm)


T. Rakesh Reddy (Nss coordinator)

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to the aspirants of ThoughtWorks that the recruitment drive is scheduled on 06-12-2017(i.e. Wednesday) at AB-I auditorium at 9:45am followed by written test at AB-II.

Short coding round: 20 minutes
Long coding round: 90 minutes

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the enclosed for complete details on the subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

This is to inform all the PUC-2 Girl students that the new mess hall (Dinging hall-3)  will start tomorrow i.e 05.07.2022, hence the P-2 Girl students are requested to have their food from lunch onwards in the new mess hall only.

Associate Dean Student Welfare.


Dear Student,

Greetings from Internshala:

We are excited to inform you that we have launched the Internshala Student Partner (ISP 15) program for the students of your college. 

Internshala Student Partner (ISP 15) is a work-from-college program where we hire students from different colleges across India and teach them essential skills like Public Speaking, Networking, Time Management & Customer Service in just 70 days. In the previous edition of this program (ISP 14), the ISPs helped more than 60,000 students to take a step ahead in their careers by raising awareness about internships and online trainings.

Benefits for the students:
They will gain work experience while studying in college
A prestigious letter of recommendation
Performance-based cash incentives, exclusive Internshala goodies and a chance to win an iPhone X
Benefits for the college:
Exclusive internship awareness seminars will be hosted at your college
Positive impact on your final placement and internship records
Students of any year and stream may visit here - to fill the application form based on which we will evaluate the eligible candidates. The last date to register is 15th August 2019.

I request you to share this email with all your students and put up this poster (download) on your noticeboard. Also, you can use the Share on WhatsApp feature below to ensure maximum students apply for this program.    

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment