Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

It is here by informed to PUC – I students who are eligible for scholarship are required to apply scholarship online application in e-pass website as early as possible. The link is enabled for Post Matric Schoalrship Fresh Registrations for the Academic Year 2022-23. Last date online submission for scholarship is 31-01-2023. University is not responsible for who are not applied in time.
Dear Students,

Please find attached AY 17-18 Sem1 Remedial & GI Exam halls on 02.02.2018 @ Fore Noon.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
All the students must stay in the allotted Dorms only as given in the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

Screening test results of Physics quiz for final to be held on 27th Feb at 6PM, AB-I Auditorium

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students


N. Rakesh
Convener, Sports&Games

Download: Notice Attachment

It is here by informed to all the students those who are eligible for Scholarship are required to apply for Scholarship for the academic year 2017-18. Scholarship online registrations are closed by today.  
Dear Students,

Shortlisted Candidate for Technical round of Eleation.

1.Chipirisetti Thirupathi

Note: Ignore the previous notice of Eleation.

Placement Office.

Dear Students,

Please find the attached file subject cited above.

Chief Warden Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is hereby informed to all CSE Final year students that Vassarlabs conducting on-campus recruitment drive for 2019 passouts. Interested & eligible students need to register.

Eligibility Criteria:

Branches: CSE( &
Package: 6LPA
CGPA: 7.5
Designation: Software Engineer

Last date for registration: 27th Oct 2018,2:00PM

Placement Office.
Below ST students has to give bio matric in nearest mee-seva centers along with Aadhar card and scholarship application no(which is in the word document )as early as possible
If any doubts please contact Scholarship section - 9492303714

Download: Notice Attachment

All the registered students of TCS CodeVita Season 10 are required to go through the attached poster for the detailed schedule.
T & P Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

The following ID students failed to report to the Chief Warden office , despite being informed through HUB notice dated on 28.03.2023.

This is for your information.


Addl.Chief Warden(Gilrs)
Dear Students

Go through the attached notice for the subject cited above.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that registration link for working models will be activated by 26-02-2017 and it will be closed by 10:00PM on 27-02-2017.

Note:Certificate will be issued to those who have registered in website.