Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Students, 
One of our campus Student uploaded video in youtube on how to access Online Classes (Google Classroom and meet ), which is soo useful for our RGUKTians !

Google Classroom || How to login
Dear Students,

It is hereby informed to all aspirants of ADTECH CORP PVT LTD that the recruitment drive is scheduled on 01.11.2019,9:45 AM at AB-I Auditorium( PPT ) followed by written test at AB-3 Test Room-1. 

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

RGUKT/Acad/Hub/015								04/05/2019


This is to inform all the prospective students of E1 for Semester – I of AY19-20 (i.e. the students of PUC – II of AY18-19 and who will be promoted to E1 as per promotional criteria) that access to exercise branch preferences online for E1 may be given any time after 06/05/2019. 

Therefore, the students are strongly advised to keep checking the University Hub ( on a regular basis for all the latest updates about exercising branch preferences online for E1or for any other matters connected with.

Dean Academics and Planning
Dear Students,

This is the intimation for the Engineering students to attend the South Zone  Inter University  Kho Kho Men's Team Selections at 5:30pm on12/12/2023 in Shathavahana Grounds, RGUKT.

All of you attend and be a part of the university team.
It is here by informed to all the PUC-I students that the following students are required to report to the Scholarship section(w-9) on or before 31.03.2017 by 03.00 PM.

Download: Notice Attachment

E1 semester2 programming for problem solving lab remedial exam for ME, CE and MME on 9-05-2022 from 9Am to 11:30 AM.
E1 semester 2 pps lab remedial for chemical on 7-05-2022 from 10:30am to 1pm.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

Please find the attachment of the subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,

Following students are shortlisted for further rounds of ADP.All shortlisted students need to report immediately to new placement cell building in 10min. Carry all certificates.


Placement cell
Dear Students,
Find the attachment for the subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
PUC2 students who are willing to write IITJEE(Main Exam) on 02/04/2017 at their respective centers and leaving the campus after CAT3 exams, should issued their outpasses on 31/03/2017 between 5:30 P.M to 6:00 P.M at omega-6. Outpass will be issued to the student who bring their hall ticket Xerox copy along with the outpass request letter in the format. No outpass will be issued without a  xerox copy of hallticket and who come after 6:00 PM. Boys should contact T.Madhusudhan Reddy Sir and girls must contact K. Nandini Madam.
Dear Students,
It is hereby informed to all the students regarding the University amended Rules and Regulations of Malpractice for Annual and semester mode of examinations in view of the End Semester Examinations scheduled from 01-08-2024 to 17-08-2024.

All the students may kindly note the same.

Controller of Examinations

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
find the attachment regarding subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

The E1-English Lab written exam is scheduled for the following departments on 3rd, Nov, 2019:

1. E1- MME
2. E1-CHEM
4. E1-EEE
5. E1-MECH

Timings of the exams: 10 am to 11:30 am
Date of the Exam: 3rd, Nov, 2019
Venue: Seating arrangement will be made and displayed on the notice board.
Dear Students,
No General Outpass will be issued after CAT3 exams due to the exam season ahead. students should not call their parents to issue outpasses especially PUC-1 students. 
Dear E4 Students
Kindly approach the faculty and decide your supervisor/area for final project before 24th Feb-2021 through online communication (gmail).

with regards
The attached students have not registered for  AY18-19 P2 Sem1 , these students should contact in Academic Section immediately.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

AY17-18 E1 Sem1(CE,CHEM&MME) English Language Lab Regular/Remedial Written Exam on 08-11-2017 at 2PM. Those who got remedial in ELL written can also register.
Dear E2 Students,

Please find enclosed the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment