Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Engineering: E1 to E4 All the Branches			
Student ID   Name 	                 Class/year 	  Event	        Prize
B192010	    M.Lalith Chandra	 E1/ECE/C5	  Elocution	1st prize
B192070	    S.Harini	          E1/CSE	          Elocution 	2nd prize
B171920	    B.Brother Singh	  E4/CSE	           Elocution	3rd prize
Student ID Name of the student	Class/year Event	Prize
B182189	Gogula.Venu	                 E2/ECE	Spell Bee	1st prize
B182620	G.Vinay	                         E2/CSE	Spell Bee	2nd prize
B171665	J.Raj Kumar	                  E4/EEE	Spell Bee	3rd prize

Student ID	Name	                Class/year 	        Event	         Prize
B192010	        M.Lalith Chandra	E1/ECE/C5	        Essay writing	1st prize
B181213	        E.Lakshmi Preritha	E2/CSE/AB-II-303	Essay writing	2nd prize
B181504	         B.Meghana	         E2/EEE	                Essay writing	3rd prize
Topic		Impact of Social Media on teenagers			
Student ID	Name	        Class/year	Event	          Prize
B171665	        Raj Kumar	E2/EEE	        Poetry writing	  1st prize
B192070	        S.Harini	         E1/CSE	        Poetry writing	  2nd prize
B192015	         K.Aditi	         E1/CSE/C5	Poetry writing	  3rd prize
Student ID	Name            Class/year	       Event	Prize
1	B191080	G.Sruthi	       E1/ECE-C4        Drawing	1st prize
2	B192257	K.Poojitha	E1/ECE-C4	Drawing	 2nd prize
3	B191766	Ch.Srivani	E1/ECE-214	Drawing	 3rd prize
      Student ID	 Name     Class/year Event	Prize
1	B171175	A.Saiteja		        Debate	1st prize
2	B171328	M.Revanth		Debate	1st prize
3	B171665	J.Raj Kumar		Debate	1st prize
4	B171972	A.SaiKiran	E4	Debate	1st prize
5	B171671	A.Sai Charan		Debate	1st prize
6	B171920	B.Brother Singh	E4/CSE	Debate	2nd prize
7	B171606	P.Rahul		                        Debate	2nd prize
8	B181455	D.Ruchitha	       E2/CSE	Debate	2nd prize
9	B171983	E.Rohith Babu		                Debate	2nd prize
10	B171691	A.Ganesh		                         Debate	2nd prize
11	B171988	Surya Prakash	 E4/ Chemical	 Debate	3rd prize
12	B181859	M.Charan		                         Debate	3rd prize
13	B181089	N.Deepika		                 Debate	3rd prize
Job Announcement of MedhaServo
The T&P Team wishes to inform about a career opportunity at Medha Servo. Medha Servo would like to hire Btech MECHANICAL Graduates of 2024 for ENGINEER-TRAINEE (R&D), with following eligibility criteria.
Job Profile: 
1. Shall involve in Designing & Development of Embedded Systems (Product Development), Avionics Systems, Electric Vehicle Engineer Control Unit, Power Train, Battery Charger, Power Electronics Products and Signaling Systems. 
2. Shall be ready to take up challenges in designing and developing very complex products.
3. Redesign existing products and to work in a collaborative environment with the other stakeholders.
4. Involving in Product Life Cycle Management.
5. Develop ideas for, manage and lead projects until its completion.
Prerequisites: 1. Analytical and logical ability
2. Multitasking
3. Lateral Thinking
4. Very Strong knowledge on core subjects 
Job Location : Hyderabad
Salary Offered : 4.488 Lakhs per annum (4.18 Lakhs Fixed + Rs. 30,000/- pa variable pay: eligibility on service confirmation upon project completion)
Training Period : Six Months ( Biannual Increments)
Cut off Criteria : 70% or above and without history of backlogs all through the academics (10th, Inter/Diploma & Engineer). 
Skills : Good subject knowledge in their discipline, Good Analytical and Programming skills.
How to Apply: If meet the eligibility criteria and interested about this opportunity, please apply through the link by July 31, 2024, 4:00PM.
T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all

Please find the attachment of the subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,

Please find the attachment 

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

                                         SCHEDULE OF NISUM TECHNOLOGIES RECRUITMENT DRIVE

It is hereby informed to all registered students of NISUM TECHNOLOGIES that the drive is scheduled on 6th Jan 2018 i.e. Saturday at AB-I Auditorium at 9:00AM followed by written test at AB-II.

Note: Need to carry all necessary academic certificates and updated resume .

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all

The Academic Calendars of E1S1, AY21-22, updated as on 19/03/2022, is being circulated for your information.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

This is to inform PUC Students and E1 Students that the Physics Remedial Lab examination would be conducted on 27-6-2019.

Venue :: For PUC1 and PUC 2 :: PUC Lab, Old Block
Timings :: 2 pm to 5 pm

Date :: 27-06-2019

Venue:: For E1 Physics :: E1 Lab, AB2, 305
Timings:: 10 am till 1 pm

Date :: 27-06-2019

Please report on time for these exams as per the date and timings specified.

The registration for EngiNX 2017 (TCS Engineering Innovation Contest) are now open. The theme for this year is same as that of last year i.e. ‘The IoT Challenge’. Students passing out in 2018 and 2019 are eligible to participate.
Registration for this contest will be closing on 09th April 2017.

Registration Link:

T & P Cell.

Download: Notice Attachment

The following attachment has the list of winners and runners of Quiz, Puzzles and Essay writing conducted by Department of Physics during Tech Fest-2020.

Download: Notice Attachment

Infosys would like to conduct an off-campus recruitment drive to hire freshers for Systems Engineer role. 
The compensation offered for the role of Systems Engineer is INR 3.60 lakhs per annum. Additional benefits include health insurance of INR 4 lakhs per annum and a life cover of INR 30 lakhs per annum.
Freshers from B.Tech/M.Tech streams who belong to 2019 and 2020 batches can apply for the role of Systems Engineer by filling out the Infosys Off-campus Recruitment Form – SE by Sunday, May 2, 2021.
The eligibility criteria to apply for this program have been shared below.
1.      B.Tech/M.Tech graduates from all branches are eligible to apply.
2.      All percentages/CGPA should be simple average for all subjects/semesters/years, including electives, optional subjects, additional subjects, practical subjects and languages.
3.      Graduates from 2019 and 2020 batches only are eligible to apply.
4.      Candidates should not have participated in the Infosys Limited and/or Infosys Group Company (such as – Infosys BPM) selection process in the last 6 months.
5.      No active backlogs are allowed.
The selection process for these roles will be conducted online in two steps: Infosys online test and virtual interview. Eligible candidates who fill the form within the deadline will undergo Infosys online test. 

Details of Infosys online test are:
Total test duration – 100 minutes
Section	Skill tested	No. of questions	Time allocated
Section I	Reasoning Ability	15	25 minutes
Section II	Technical Ability	10	35 minutes
Section III	Verbal Ability	20	20 minutes
Section IV	Pseudo-code	5	10 minutes
Section V	Numerical Puzzle	4	10 minutes
In case candidates have any query after applying, they may write to us at

T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

NPTEL Examination Information
Date of Exam: March Run : March 26th,2017.
Hope all the students/Staff have registered for the exam, tomorrow (22-02-2017) is the Last date for Exam Registration.
Pattern of Exam is as follows::

Online exam:
Candidates will have to appear at the allotted exam centre, produce the Hall ticket and Government Identification Card for verification, and take the exam in person. 

The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; 
type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay type answers, etc.

Offline exam:
Candidates will have to appear at the allotted exam centre, produce the Hall ticket and Government Identification Card for verification, and take the exam in person. 

The question paper will be printed and given to the candidate. 
He/she will have to write the answers on sheets of paper, attach the question paper to the answer sheets and submit.

For any other Details, Please contact the following:
S.C.Rakesh Roshan,
SPOC-NPTEL, Dept of Physics,