Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Students ( E1-S1, AY23-24),

Please find the attached subject-cited circular.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student,

Please find the enclosed on the subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find attached AY 18-19 EST Final Time Table - Nov, 2018 (Modified). The modifications are only for- E2 CE- M-III, MOF, E2- CHE- M-III, and E3- CE- DSS subjects

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

For further details regarding class allotment please contact in Academic Section.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is the time for us to have some fun. As a part of AntahPragnya 2k17 we are going to organize “FUN TECH” on Feb 19 th , which consists of exciting and funny games. Join your hands together to make these events a grand success.

Please find the attachment below.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is hereby notified to the students that the  AY_22-23_E4S2_EST(Rem)_Final Timetable is been posted.


Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Misuse of TNP letter head

Placement Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,
Please find the attachment of subject cited
The classes of AY22-23-E4S1-MME shall start immediately

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attached file regarding the subject cited above.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students P1-E4,the most awaited moment 'Kampus Kart' is going to be put itself on track soon as a part of ANTAHPRAGNYA-2K17.

Please find the attachment below for more details , rules and regulations.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to PUC - I - ST category students who have studied in CBSE are required to submit 10th original memo in Scholarship section by 11.12.2021 without fail. 

1.	Out pass will not be issued on Sundays and Holidays.
2.	Concerned hostel wing warden will give permission to issue out pass at warden office 5 PM to 6 PM only, after 6 PM out pass will not issue.
3.	During academic hours (9 PM to 5 PM) Out passes will not be issued.
4.	Students should get the out pass request from the concerned warden 24 hours before leaving the campus.

Additional Chief Warden (Girls).
English External Lab exam is only for 60mints.In the earlier  notice it was mentioned as 90mints.
The exam will be on 9th Jan 2025 from 9:30am to 10:30am.
Kindly note of it...
                                                                                                                               Date: 16/03/2017
                                 Specific Instructions to the Students to Collect Out Passes

Time and again all the students were informed how they should approach Security Wing with an application, forwarded by Concerned Warden / Additional Chief Wardens for girls and boys, to obtain Out-Passes, but some of the students are not getting the endorsement of the Wardens and directly approaching the Security Wing. 
Actually Out Passes are supposed to be issued on any emergency but some of the students are not following the procedure.
Now onwards, Out Pass will be issued on the recommendation / endorsement of Wardens only, otherwise Out-Passes will not be issued as a routine, except in emergency.
Hope students will keep these instructions in their mind and comply with the instructions scrupulously.

Chief Security Officer

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students from PUC-1 to E-4 that the  Hope House team is planning to organize Fund Raising Games (Stalls) and Handicrafts events during Antah Pragnya-2k17. All the students are invited to  come up with innovative ideas and make the event successful. Students can submit the ideas to Hope House team in ABI-103 or ABI-102.
		Last date : 18-02-2017 (Saturday)
		Timings : 2:00PM to 10:00PM 


    	Contact Details   							 Regards,		
        9505077970 ( Akhil, ABI-103 )				Hope House Team.
	9908250709 ( Kumar, ABI-102 )
	9550170818 ( Naresh, ABI-102 )									

Download: Notice Attachment