Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Students,

Please find the enclosed for more details on the subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to the current final year students (B16 batch) that, the BACKFLIPT SOFTWARE SERVICES Pvt. Ltd. (formerly XENOVUS) would like to conduct recruitment drive for CSE, ECE & EE students. Please find the below details regarding eligibility criteria and registration link for the recruitment drive. 

Last date for registration is 03rd November 2021.

Registration Link:


Designation	        Associate Software Engineer
CGPA	                8 & Above
Eligible Branches	CSE, ECE & EE
CTC	                        4.5 LPA to 5 LPA 
Job Location	        Hyderabad

T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,
It is hereby informed to all the students of Current E3S2 and E4S2 to upload the recent passport size photo in the attached google form on or before 21-04-24.This data is collected for the purpose of the generating Hall tickets of upcoming End Semester Examinations(Regular mode) scheduled in April-2024.All the students should upload the photograph in jpeg format without fail.

Controller of Examinations
Dear Student,

It is hereby informed  to the aspirants of DHRUVSOFT that the DHRUVSOFT would like to conduct the campus recruitment drive in our campus. Interested and eligible students can register as given below link.

Registration Link:

REGISTRATION STARTS FROM:    27th Dec 2018, 2-00 PM  
LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION: 29th Dec 2018 ,2:00 PM  

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

The Special Medical Camp of Day-6 i.e  28.06.2022 for E-2 Girl students schedule is as follows.

	          Morning Session 
     Venue: SAC Auditorium 
 E2:  Civil & Mechanical (Girls) ------    8:30 AM onwards
 E2:   MME & Chemical    (Girls) ------ 11:00 AM onwards   
                        Afternoon Session
      Venue: SAC Auditorium
E2:  CSE & ECE   (Girls)    -----   02:30 PM onwards

It is hereby informed to the registered students for INFOLOGITECH Systems that the written is scheduled tomorrow i.e., 27th November 2017 at 02:45PM.
	The attached list is the seating arrangement for written test.

Date & Time of Reporting: 27th November 2017 at 02:45PM.

T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

It is the time for us to have some fun. As a part of AntahPragnya 2k17 we are going to organize “FUN TECH” on Feb 19 th , which consists of exciting and funny games. Join your hands together to make these events a grand success.

Please find the attachment below.

Download: Notice Attachment

Job Announcement of Jarus Technologies

The T&P Team wishes to inform about a job opportunity at Jarus Technologies'. Jarus is looking for CSE Graduates from the class 2025 to join their team as Trainee Software Engineer. And the drive is scheduled for 03.09.2024 & 04.09.2024.
Job location – IDA Cherlapally, ECIL, Hyderabad.
CTC Offered- 5.5 LPA
CGPA: 8 and above
Bond: 2 Year Bond after internship period.
Training/Internship: 6-Months
Stipend: ₹20000 /-
1.	Interview procedure will be Written Test (Aptitude and Technical), Technical Interview and HR Interview.
2.	We will take an undertaking from students confirming their interest in job offer after the internship and that they will stay with the company for minimum 2 years.
Please find the format in Annexure.
3.	Only students who are interested NOT to attend interviews with any other company and who are willing to sign the undertaking form may attend the recruitment process.
4.	Stipend during the internship will be Rs.20000/- per month. Candidates will be absorbed on Jarus pay roll after completing their internship with a CTC of Rs. 5.5lpa.
How to Apply: If meet the eligibility criteria and interested about this opportunity, please apply through the link Apply Here by Sep 19, 2024, 4:30PM.
T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Sir,

Please find the final selects of INVOOT Technologies.

I NO         Name                                                  Branch
B131875	SINGARAPU SINDHU	                    ECE
B131651	SHIKHA PRAKASH RAO	            CSE
B131035	SATTE GANESH	                            CSE
B131269	ADEPU RAMYA	                            CSE
B131056	MUDDAM VASANTHA	                    ECE

****************************Hearty Congratulations************************************

Training & Placement Office.

Dear students,

please find the following attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to the Graduates of 2020 & current final year students that, the INVENTA INDUSTRIES Pvt. Ltd. would like to conduct recruitment drive for current E4 Civil Engineering students & 2020 Passed out students of Civil Engineering. Please find the below details regarding eligibility criteria and registration link for the recruitment drive. 

Last date for registration is 11th April 2021 by 04:00PM.

Registration Link:

Note: Interested students are required to upload their resume (file name should be ID no._INVENTA & in PDF)


B. Tech. CGPA                  : 60% 
(throughout academics)

Eligible Branches	        : Civil Engineering (2020 Passed outs & 2021 Passing outs)
CTC	                                :  1.	Construction Engineer 2.4LPA 
                                        :  2.	Design Engineer 3LPA
Job Location	                :  Hyderabad

T & P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students P1-E4,the most awaited moment 'Kampus Kart' is going to be put itself on track soon as a part of ANTAHPRAGNYA-2K17.

Please find the attachment below for more details , rules and regulations.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Candidate:

It is here by informed to all 2018 passed outs that the DARK HORSE  conducting the recruitment drive @ Geethanjali Group of Institutions -Hyderabad on 23rd June 2018.
Interested candidates can register Before 20th June 2018 4.00 PM.

An Well reputed Software Company in Hyderabad            

 65% B.Tech All Branches 2018 Passed outs 
63% and above  in SSC/10th annd  Inter  
 Should Have good Communication Skills Oral and Written 
 Should Have Passion to make a career in IT and ITES Industry.

​Date of Drive:
23rd June 2018
Time : 9.30 AM 
Venue : 
Gee​thanjali Group of Institutions
​ Cheeryal(Village ) Keesara (Mandal).Medchal Dist
Hyderabad 501301 ​

​Register Before 20th June 2018 4.00 PM​ ​

Please find an attachment for more details.

Placement Cell.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find attached AY 17-18 Sem1 Pending subjects MT1 Examination halls on 21/09/2017. 

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
  This is the list of Extra added students to Kamareddy District from Adilabad.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students from PUC-1 to E-4 that the  Hope House team is planning to organize Fund Raising Games (Stalls) and Handicrafts events during Antah Pragnya-2k17. All the students are invited to  come up with innovative ideas and make the event successful. Students can submit the ideas to Hope House team in ABI-103 or ABI-102.
		Last date : 18-02-2017 (Saturday)
		Timings : 2:00PM to 10:00PM 


    	Contact Details   							 Regards,		
        9505077970 ( Akhil, ABI-103 )				Hope House Team.
	9908250709 ( Kumar, ABI-102 )
	9550170818 ( Naresh, ABI-102 )									

Download: Notice Attachment