Academics Notices
Dear Students,
It is to inform you that EST exams for the Sem2 of AY19-20 to all the students i.e. P1 to E4 are not cancelled.
Also you are requested to visit the University Hub regularly for updates.
This is for your information.
Academic Section
Dear Students
As per the directions of the Honorable Vice Chancellor, it is to inform you that the PUC-II End Semester Examinations scheduled from 18/06/2020 have been postponed.
Therefore, you are not required to report to the campus until further notice.
For updates, in this regard, the students are advised to visit the University Hub regularly.
Academic Section
It is to inform all the B.Tech and M.Tech Final Year students that the Telangana State Pollution Control Board (TSPCB) is offering Internship opportunity for 3 to 6 months with a stipend of Rs. 20,000/- per month.
Mere registration does not guarantee the opportunity for the Internship.
Interested students may register with the below link, as early as possible within four days from today, for further processing.
Associate Dean Engineering
URL: Click Here
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
The attached list of the students are falling under below 65% and between 65% to 75% attendance during the Semester-II of the Academic Year 2019-20. This is being displayed for the information of the students.
Associate Dean Engineering
Associate Dean Sciences and Humanities
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
Please find the attached circular of the subject cited.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear All,
All those Students who are coming in to the Campus are instructed to, Install Aarogya Setu App in their Mobile Phones.
Dear Students,
Please find the following attachment.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
Please find the attached circular of the subject cited.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
It is to inform all the students that is found to be a fake Email ID.
So, you are requested not to respond to it.
This is for your information.
Academic Section.
In view of COVID-19 Pandemic, the University Grants Commission has issued the Guidelines on Examinations and Academic Calendars on 29th April 2020. As directed by the UGC a committee has been constituted for students grievances/concerns related to Examinations and Academic Calendar.
Therefore a committee is constituted with the approval of the Honorable Vice Chancellor to look into the students grievances in Academics & Examinations in view of COVID-19 Pandemic with the following members.
The committee Members are :
1. V Chandra Shekar Rao P ….. Controller of Examination
2. G.Ranjith Kumar ….. Associate Dean, Student Welfare
3. Shekher Sheelam ….. Associate Dean, Engineering
4. G.Devaraju ….. Associate Dean, Sciences& Humanities
5. G.Nagaraju ….. Addl. Controller of Examination
The following email id address will function students can send grievances.
Emai Id:
URL: Click Here
Download: Notice Attachment
It is to inform to students of E2, E3 and E4 that RGUKT has MoU with Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of Telangana MCRHRD, Hyderabad for preparing students for IAS exams especially in summer vacation. As lockdown is continuing, MCRHRD proposed to conduct online classes beginning from 20/05/2020.
In this regard, a registration link will be opened soon in the University hub. Interested students of E2, E3 and E4 can fill their details and register. The Link will be active till 12/05/2020. Mere filling data does not guarantee candidature for selection. Selection of the candidates will be based on merit/performance in previous semesters. All the selected candidates will be informed by email. Tentatively online classes begin from 20/05/2020 as per information received from MCRHRD.
As the number of seats are limited (50), all the interested students are requested to register immediately.
Please find the registration link.
URL: Click Here
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
The Hon'ble Human Resource Development Minister, Government of India, Shri R P Nishank, will be hosting a webinar exclusively for students , via his Twitter account @DrRPNishank and Facebook account @cmnishank on 5th May, 2020 at 12:00 Noon. The webinar can be accessed on Twitter with the link
The students can share their concerns with the Hon'ble Minister using #EducationMinisterGoesLive. He will address your queries on 5th May, 2020 at 12:00 Noon.
Best wishes..
Academic Section
RGUKT - Basar
This is to inform all the students that the University has started online classes for the students through the Google Classroom and through the Office 365 platforms during the closure of the University due to COVID-19. The departments of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and the Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) are using the Office 365 platform and the other departments are using the Google Classroom platform.
Therefore, it is requested that all the students shall utilize the online classes during the closure of the University. The students who have not yet received any invitation/information to join online classes should immediately contact their respective faculty and/or the Head of the Department (HoD) (through phone or mail) and do get registered for the courses. The respective faculty/HoDs shall guide you for any difficulty during the process.
Please find the attached circular.
Associate Dean Engineering
Associate Dean Sciences & Humanities
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
Hon’ble Governor of Telangana State desires to provide an opportunity to the students of State Universities to project their innovative, exciting, novel ideas in the form of articles, stories, poems etc.
The note attached to this notice elucidates the aims of the “Connect-Chancellor” program, suggested areas/topics, and guidelines, etc.
The students are encouraged to participate.
Please find the soft copy of the note.
This may please be treated as important.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
RGUKT, Basar
Date: 23-04-2020
It is to inform all the E-II Students that, your RGUKT domain email id and passwords are activated and you can use the below link to login.
Student's can login through the following credentials.
Username: Student Id
Password: Student Id No@
Example : Username
Password : B1681001@
Note : After first login you must change your Password for security purpose.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
RGUKT, Basar
Date: 23-04-2020
It is to inform all the E-I Students that, your RGUKT domain email id and passwords are activated and you can use the below link to login.
Student's can login through the following credentials.
Username: Student Id
Password: Student Id No@
Example : Username
Password : B171001@
Note : After first login you must change your Password for security purpose.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
RGUKT, Basar
Date: 23-04-2020
It is to inform all the PUC-II Students that, your RGUKT domain email id and passwords are activated and you can use the below link to login.
Student's can login through the following credentials.
Username: Student Id
Password: Student Id No@
Example : Username
Password : B181001@
Note : After first login you must change your Password for security purpose.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear students,
those tho are having issues related to Office 365 may contact the following mail ID:
RGUKT, Basar
Date: 22-04-2020
It is to inform all the PUC-I Students that, your RGUKT domain email id and passwords are activated and you can use the below link to login.
Student's can login through the following credentials.
Username: Student Id
Password: Student Id No@
Example : Username
Password : B191001@
Note : After first login you must change your Password for security purpose.
Academic Section
Realted video path for the above Online classes on Google Classroom platform.
URL: Click Here