TechFest - Notices

It is hereby informed to all the students that registration link for working models will be activated by 26-02-2017 and it will be closed by 10:00PM on 27-02-2017.

Note:Certificate will be issued to those who have registered in website.
Here is the list of allotments for QUIZ FIESTA.

Please find the attachment below.

Download: Notice Attachment

  It is hereby informed to all the students that  Departmental events registration will be closed  today by 10:00pm. So, all the students are advised to register as soon as possible.

Register at 
It is here by informed to all that management department is going to conduct some events for AntahPragnya2k17. Interested students can register in

Please find the attachment below for events description.

URL: Click Here

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that department of EEE  is going to organize technical quiz on 26-02-2017 at 10.00 am. Interested students can register .
please find the attachment for any further detais

Download: Notice Attachment

 It is hereby informed to all the students from P1 to E4 that the department of EEE is going to organize Technical events as a part of antah pragnya 2k17. Interested students can register through link or manually.

Download: Notice Attachment

   Here is the list of selected candidates for anchoring for AntahPragnya2k17.

Download: Notice Attachment

      Here we are with AntahPragnya2k17   T-Shirt model
Please find the attachment below for further details 

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that those who want to participate in the departmental events should register in antahpragnya2k17 website and the payment of registration fee should be done to the respective departmental coordinators by 25-02-2017, 5:00 PM.
please find the attachment below for further details

Download: Notice Attachment

All the shortlisted students for phase-2 anchoring and RJ should assemble in AB-II,309 by tomorrow (i.e. 20-02-2017) 12:30pm  without fail.

For details contact : Durga Prasad (8008938202)
All the shortlisted candidates for anchoring and RJ should assemble at AB-2, 309  today 
(i.e. 19-02-2017)  to get their scripts for tomorrow's Phase-2 auditions. 

Please find the attachment below for the shortlisted candidates. 

Download: Notice Attachment

As a part of "Fun Tech" funny games are going to be conducted tomorrow (i.e. 19-02-2017) in 
drawing hall from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Please find the attachment below for the game description.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all that “Made Easy” is going to demonstrate a seminar on “Career opportunity
for Engineers”.

Venue: AB-1,Auditorium
It is hereby informed to all that “Made Easy” is going to demonstrate a seminar on “Career opportunity for Engineers”.

Please find the attachment below for further details.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students P1-E4,the most awaited moment 'Kampus Kart' is going to be put itself on track soon as a part of ANTAHPRAGNYA-2K17.

Please find the attachment below for more details , rules and regulations.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is the time for us to have some fun. As a part of AntahPragnya 2k17 we are going to organize “FUN TECH” on Feb 19 th , which consists of exciting and funny games. Join your hands together to make these events a grand success.

Please find the attachment below.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that the auditions for Anchoring and Radio Jockey for
 Antah Pragnya 2k17 will be continued even today(i.e.16-02-2017) in AB-1 Auditorium from 5:30pm

Contact Details:Durga Prasad(8008938202)