It is hereby informed to all the students that the RJ's list of AntahPragnya-2k17 and the three days RJ schedule has been given below.So,all the selected RJ's are required to attend the meeting today at 8:00pm in AB-2,309.
For further details contact: V.Sampath(8466824532)
please find the attachment below for the RJ schedule
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the selected volunteers of "Antah Pragnya 2k17" are requested to attend the meeting without fail.
Venue: AB -II 306,310.
Time : 5:00 pm i.e., on 01-03-2017(today).
For further details contact: D.Karun Kumar(7730891871).
please find the following attachment for selected volunteer list.
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that an event "ROBO SOCCER" is going to be held as part of the AntahPragnya-2k1. So,all the students are encouraged to participate in the event.
please find the attachment below for the poster
(Ignore the previous notice)
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that an event "ROBO SOCCER" is going to be held as part of the AntahPragnya-2k1. So,all the students are encouraged to participate in the event.
please find the attachment below for the poster
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that the civil department is conducting an event "DREAM CITY" on 01-03-2017.So,all are encouraged to participate in this fun event.
For event description and further details,please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
It is here by informed to all students whoever is interested in the following workshop can register at AB-II,309
NOTE : Registratons will be closed by today at 10:00pm
For any details contact T.Ranjith Kumar (7382742922)
It is here by informed to all the registered students that quiz will be conducted on tomorrow (i.e., 01-03-2017) at 5:00pm
Download: Notice Attachment
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that the last date for registration of AntahPragnya T-shirt is tomorrow (i.e. 28-02-2017).
If you want to buy the AntahPragnya T-shirt register at ABII 309, by paying Rs. 250 only by tomorrow 10pm.
Contact: A.Naveen (8464858790)
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that department events registration link will be deactivated by 5:00pm. Get hurry for registration.
It is hereby informed to all the students that as we know SPM Workshop is going to be conducted in our campus for MECH,CSE,CIVIL branches. Interested students can register manually at AB-II,309.
Please find the attachment for further details.
Download: Notice Attachment
Please find the attachment for further details.
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that the registration link for working models is activated in AntahPragnya website.Last date for registration is 28-02-2017 (i.e. on Sunday).
Note: Only registered students will get the participation certificates.
Please find the registration link below.
URL: Click Here
It is hereby informed to all the students that the poster presentation template is given below. So,the Students who have registered for poster presentations (only PUC) and working models' participants (only if necessary) for Antah Pragnya- 2k17 are advised to fill the template as per your requirement and submit it by 28-02-2017 in the Antah Pragnya-2k17 website.
1.Uploaded file cannot be modified.
2.The name of the file should contain their ID,Branch and Topic.
(eg.ID No._Topic Name_Branch_Year.jpg)
For further details contact : T. Ranjith Kumar (Ph No:7382742922)
Please find the attachment below for the template.
Download: Notice Attachment
Here is the list of Allotments for E-QUIZ by ECE department.
NOTE: Spot registrations are also available
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
please find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students that as part of Antah pragnya 2k17, ECE department is conducting branch events such as E-QUIZ and E-HUNT
For Event schedule,Please find the attachment
Download: Notice Attachment