Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear all

The Academic Calendars of E2, E3 and E4 of the Academic Year 2021-22 are being circulated herewith this notice for your information.

The Academic Calendar of E1 will be sent in due course of time.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the registered students of RK Info Systems that RK Info Systems campus recruitment drive is scheduled on 27/12/2017.

Training & Placement Office
It is here by informed to all the Rguktiians..Here you got an opportunity to learn the YOGA and its benefits in life...! What are you waiting for come join us..If you haven't done the Yoga till now don't worry..we will teach you everything..but one thing is you need is to be regular..! It is the initiation taken by the volunteers of SPIC_MACAY. Who have got trained in various forms of YOGA (Hath ,Nadh ,Kodiyattam...etc)

 #Be Fit Challenge..Thanking you all..! We expect a huge participation in this training program..!  

Starting From: 29th july 2019 
Everyday Timings ( 5:30am to 6:30am) 
@ Yoga_Hall (SAC Bulding)
T. Rakesh Reddy (NSS Coordinator)

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,
The results of PUC-I sem-2 [B21-Batch] Regular End Semester Examinations held in the Month of August-2022 is published.This is for your kind Information

Controller of examinations
Dear all,

Please find the attached outpass notice herewith.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attached time table of  E2, Sem-I, CE Dept. for the AY22-23.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students find the attachment of final list of students and supervisory officers for Adilabad district general elections webcasting.
Mr. T.Mohan Babu- supervisory officer (serial No.1-30 )
Mr. Sk. Saida - supervisory officer (serial No.31-60 )
Mr. Ravi Varma V- supervisory officer (serial No.61-90 )
Mr. D. Shankar - supervisory officer (serial No.91-120 )
Mr. Raj kiran Guptha -supervisory officer (serial No.121-150 )
Mr. R. Ganapathi - supervisory officer (serial No.151-180 )

thanking you

T. Rakesh Reddy
central coordinator for live webcasting 
Adilabad district

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
All the students must stay in the allotted Dorms only as given in the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Go through the attached notice on subject mentioned above.

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

                  We would like to inform to all the students who have expressed interest in attending sessions of music,that the cultural club is in the process of arranging classes and further details will be uploaded to the hub in few weeks time.

With regards
Cultural club.


This is to inform all concerned PUC -I(AY 2022-2023) students, that the PUC- I PHYSICS Laboratory examination would be conducted from 26/6/23 t0 4/7/23. All the students should submit the records at the time of laboratory examination; all students should carry their identity cards with them and must report on time. 

Date of the Examinations: 26/06/23 to 06/07/23.
SESSION-1------10:00 AM TO 1:00PM
SESSINN-2------2:00   PM TO 5:00 PM

Note: Lab schedule and student list in attachment 

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

Please find the attachment regarding subject cited above.


Download: Notice Attachment

It is here by informed to all the organizers of AntahPragnya-2k16 to collect their certificates.
Please find the attachment for the list of members.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students 

Greetings from IIRS-ISRO :RGUKT Campus Coordinator for a very Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year 2021 to you and your family.  

As you are aware of IRS-ISRO Outreach Programme.  
In the year 2020 IIRS conducted 29 online courses/workshops/webinar series benefitiing 1, 51,096 participants from 2477 Institutions throughout the country.

Continuing our journey together, IIRS DLP has published annual course calendar for the year 2021 which can be accessed through following link:

Register for the courses and take advantage of Online Learning Platform.

Published by:    IIRS-ISRO E-CLASS Platform RGUKT Campus Coordinator

Download: Notice Attachment