Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

This is to inform all the students that there is advancement in the timings of E-1 English Lab Remedial Exams for both Sem-1 and Sem-2 students.

Time: 2:40pm
Date: 28-3-2022
Venue: Humanities Block (Language Labs)
It is hereby informed to all the registered students for Math Quiz to find the Reporting halls in the attachments
•	All the registered  PUC-I and E-1 students has to report at 5:45 PM on 14-12-2017
•	All the registered PUC-II and E2,E3 students has to report at 6:45 PM on 14-12-2017
for writing Screening Exam for Math Quiz

Note:If Ids are Missing in the Attachments please report to AB-I 104 at 5:45 PM

Download: Notice Attachment

The following list of students shortlisted for final round of interviews of OUTPLAY recruitment drive.
The following students are required to report to Training & Placement Office, beside Girls Hostel-2 by 10AM, 18.12.2021.

Candidate Name:
Bandi Saideva
Salkuti Swetha Reddy

T & P Office
AY 20_21_sem I_Remedial lab Exam/seminar schedule for ECE labs is attached here.
P.S.:Students who ever are not there in the list in the sheet attached should get permission letter from Examination section.
All the best

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear E3 & E4 Students (AY23-24, S1)

Please find the enclosed subject cited circular.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

RGUKT బాసర  కల్చరల్ కమిటీ ఆధ్వర్యంలో 75వ గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం సందర్భంగా RGUKT బాసర విద్యార్థులకు వ్యాస రచన, ఉపన్యాసం పోటీలు నిర్వహించడం జరుగుతుంది. కావునా విద్యార్థులు ఈ పోటీలో పాల్గొనాలని కోరుతున్నాము. ఈ పోటీలో గెలిచిన వారికి ప్రథమ, ద్వతీయ మరియు తృతీయ బహుమతులు ఇవ్వబడతాయి.

అంశాలు: వ్యాసరచన
1. స్వాతంత్ర్య సమరయోధులు-
2. భారత స్వాతంత్ర్యం తర్వాత సాంకేతికాభివృద్ధి 
3. భారత రాజ్యాంగం 

నోట్: ఈ అంశాలపై పోటీలో పాల్గొనాలనుకునే విద్యార్థులు నేరుగా పాల్గొనవచ్చు.
ది: 24.01.2025
స్థలం:AB1-ROOM NO- 005

1. స్వాతంత్ర్య సమరయోధులు-
2. భారత స్వాతంత్ర్యం తర్వాత సాంకేతికాభివృద్ధి 
3. భారత రాజ్యాంగం 

నోట్: ఈ అంశాలపై పోటీలో పాల్గొనాలనుకునే విద్యార్థులు నేరుగా పాల్గొనవచ్చు.
ది: 25.01.2025
స్థలం:AB1-ROOM NO- 005

కల్చరల్ కమిటీ
RGUKT బాసర
Attention to all students (P1 to E4): Please be informed that NO OUT PASSES will be issued before 5th October 2024. Parents are kindly requested not to visit the campus to take their children home, except in cases of emergency, as this could disrupt the academic schedule.

Chief Warden.
It is hereby informed to all the students of E3 that the IBM would like to conduct Career Education Program (CEP) at our campus for which the following two courses are on offer.

1.	Enterprise Application Development and Deployment on Cloud using IBM BlueMix
The package includes:
1.	IBM trainers providing entire coursework, instruction and training with material.
2.	Hands - on practicals.
3.	Testing and certification by IBM.
4.	Minor and Major projects (industry standard and live) by IBM trainers at RGUKT itself.

The total cost is expected to be around Rs.20,000 (per student) for the entire package. Interested students must immediately contact their HOD and register. Course outcome and details are attached herewith.

Note: The above said course has the consensus of both CSE & ECE HoDs, if good no.of students register for the above said course then they will be floated as electives in E4SEM1 & E4SEM2 as a part of Academics.

T & P Cell

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment herewith regarding subject cited above.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

                           The students, of PUC - I and PUC - II can apply for Re-verification of their answer booklets. 
                The notification containing details of Fee and Procedure of Re-verification will be uploaded soon.

   Controller of Examinations
Dear Students,

The results for AY_22-23_E3_S2_EST_Rem-Feb-24_Reverification are out. Do check your results.

Controller of Examinations
Dear Students,

The students who have enrolled for Election Webcasting Duty are requested to furnish their details in the given below format link immediately on or before today 12 as to send the same to District Election Authority.

Dear Students,

Please find enclosed subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Hearty Congratulations to all the selected students!!

Download: Notice Attachment

This Examination is only for the Students of AY 19-20 E4 (i.e. B14 batch) and Previous year eligible (i.e. B13 and B12 Batch) Students.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

The contact hours for E1S1, Chemical Engineering, MA1101 - Linear Algebra and Calculus, are reduced to 3 from 4 for Flip Mode of teaching.

The hours removed are shown in the timetables.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment