Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Student,

Go through the attached notice  for details.

Placement office.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the registered candidates for SUDOKU Contest to find the Shortlisted Candidates for LEVEL-3 In the attachments.

 All the shortlisted participants are requested to report tomorrow (15-12-2017) evening by 5:30 PM at AB-I (104) to participate in  LEVEL-3 competition.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please check AY16-17 Semester1 CHE and EEE branch Revaluation-Results

Download: Notice Attachment

ear Students of Civil Enggt( E1-E4),

  Find the updated time tables of Civil Engg which will be effective from 27.12.2016.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Here am informing to all E4 CAPGEMINI registered students that who want to withdraw from CAPGEMINI drive they should report at Placement Cell today on i,e 15-november- 2016 at 4:30 PM.

Venue: Omega 5 
Time and Date: 15- November- 2016 at 4:30 pm

Thanks & Regards,

Dear Students,

The Special Health Camp  Day-9 i.e 01.07.2022 for P-1 to E-3  Boy students schedule is as follows.

     Venue: SAC Auditorium 

PUC-1 to E-3 :  All Boy Students --------- 8:30 AM onwards
Dear Students,

Please find enclosed on subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

All CAPGEMINI registered students please find the below information.

Venue: AB II Exam halls
Date & Reporting time: 16th November 2016 at 9: 30 AM (Slot -1)

Please find the attached excel sheet for Seating plan as slot wise:

Slot 1: 9: 30 AM
slot 2 : 1: 00PM

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students, 
It informs you that Students who are allotted to Nizamabad for live casting duty ready to go tomorrow Morning at Sharp 7 AM. Buses are available at ABII building. 

Note1: carry with fully charged laptops, adapters, Adobe flash media player software, windows OS 

Note2: Please come with Windows OS and needed software (For user guide PPT and Adobe live recorder software go throw the following link

Download: Notice Attachment

Topics for The Student e-magazine article writing competiton.
Details about date and venue will be announced soon.
Please find the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

                                                                        Rgukt NSS Wing
It is here by informed to all the NSS volunteers of both the batches( 2017-18 & 2018-19),that we have a regular activity on 24th Feb.2019.Each and every volunteer as per the guidelines of National Service Scheme, need to be the part of general service of about 120hrs…Attendance is taken in to strict consideration don’t miss..
                                                       “Be the part of all round development..!”
1.Go through the pdf attached to this.
2.Be on time by 9:00 sharp.
3.Before coming have your breakfast.
4.Read the complete attachment.
T.Rakesh reddy (NSS Coordinator)

Download: Notice Attachment

For live stream access please click on below YouTube link
Dear all

Please find the attachment of the subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Student,

Please find the attached final Timetable of CRT.


Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

This is to inform all the E2 students of AY 2023-24 sem-I, that the students who have attendance between 65% to 75% are required to submit the concerned medical documents at the Academic Section to get their attendance condoned on medical grounds on or before 19.02.2024 by 5:00 pm without fail.

The documents required are:
1. Medical Certificate from the Doctor for the period of treatment taken.
2. Medical Prescription
3. Lab Reports
4. Any other relevant documents.

Academic Section.
Dear Students

Please find the attachment for GENERAL SECRETARY & SECRETARIES for Individual games Selection List.

Convener, Sports & Games

Download: Notice Attachment