Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear students,
It is hereby informed to the students of B22/B23 Batches who are desirous of seeking Reverification  for
AY 23-24_PUC(I&II)_Annual Examinations(Regular/Remedial Mode) held in Apr/May-24 may pay the fee and submit their online application on or before 27-05-2024.

Download: Notice Attachment

Please find the modified timetables.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

The Acer laptop hardware engineer will be available in the AB-I Server Room today  from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

If you are experiencing any hardware issues with your Acer laptop, please visit the AB-I Server Room(opposite 105 class) during this time, and the engineer will assist in resolving the problem. 
Problems like : (RAM PROBLEM, Keyboard keys not working, MOTHERBOARD, power button, screen upper cover casing gap, Back cover (Casing Gap), 
battery backup Zero, Display issue, speaker sound issue, Hard Disk not working, Adapter not working, FAN sound issue)
Elocution winners-Dept. of chemistry @ NSD 2019		
1st winner	Peddi Sri harish		E2-EEE B151308		
2nd winner	P Anvesh		                 PUC-2 B171116		
3rd winner	E Lakshamana chary         PUC-1 B181598		
Hello Everyone!!

E-Summit’19 is scheduled on the 9th and 10th of March. So the entry of other students except the registered participants to the SAC on the days of the event is prohibited.

Download: Notice Attachment

Please find the updated exam halls on 06/10/2016 for E1-E4.

Download: Notice Attachment

This is to inform all the E3 students of AY21-22 that the University has declared Semester Break from 23/07/2022 to 31/07/2022. 

The students are advised to register for the next semester courses online through the links provided in the University Hub when they are posted. 

Students must report back to campus on 31/07/2022 as the AY 22-23, Final Year, Semester-I, classes would commence from 01/08/2022 as per academic calendar.

Academic Section
 It is here by informed to the P-II, E-1, E-2, E-3 and E4 students that those who are eligible for scholarship are to apply for renewal the scholarship for academic year 2023-24. The Scholarship renewal registrations link is ( ). 
Note 1:  Mandatory documents to be scanned compulsorily for renewal registration process for the Academic Year 2023-24         
1.	Bank Pass Book first page with Bank Account number and IFS Code in case of change.(Not  
        required For EBC Students)
2.	Passed/Promoted Marks Memo of Previous year.
3.	Original Income Affidavit (signed by the Student & the Parent 
4.	College Bonafied Scanned Memo of Present Academic year                                                                         

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Students who shortlisted for next (SKYPE) round @ SENTINI GEOSOL

1. Boddu Venkatesh
2. Lavudya Srikanth
3. D Pallavi

Note: Will Inform next round schedule very shortly.
Dear Students, 
Please find below attachment. 

Deputy Registrar 

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear CSE graduates of 2024,

Please review the attachment for complete details regarding the subject line.

T&P Office

Download: Notice Attachment

Hola techies!
We present you "Techies for Karshak2.O", a unique event aimed at improving agriculture and improving lives. By this event, we create a path to deliver what we can do to the farmers at the best.
Under this, you can come out with your innovative thoughts on a technology that makes farming better in the form of working models. 
Techies for Karshak2.0 apart from indulging a noble cause, will also serve as a great platform for vying our innovative ideas within the State and the best ideas will be awarded.
*All the models and presentations should be explained in detail to the farmers on the days of the Fest. 
*Submit your abstract the cost estimation by 26/12/2019 (thursday)
For any queries, contact 
Sandeep : 9550703758
Sowmya : 8500924179
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please Find the attachment for SPORTS & GAMES STAFF BADMINTON RESULTS.

N. Rakesh,
Convener, Sports&Games.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby Informed to all E4 Students that NTT DATA registration Started.

Interested students need to register.

Download: Notice Attachment