Academics Notices
Dear all,
The Exam registration is open for the NPTEL Courses ( Jan - Apr 2021 Course Run) , all the students from RGUKT Basar who had enrolled for these courses ( Certification as well as Credit Transfer ) please follow the Exam registration steps as shared in the attachment below.
Exam registration URL is:
All details regarding Local chapter scholarship and the steps are in the attachment.
Last date for exam registration is 8th February,2021.
Best Wishes
SWAYAM - NPTEL Coordinator
Download: Notice Attachment
TechFest 2K18 selection of Organizers and Committee members Selection
Screening Starts 22nd Dec 2018 5: 00 PM onwards and 23rd Dec AB 2 – 209
Selection will be done continuously in future too as per the requirements
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear students,
Interested and Eligible students need to register .
Placement Office.
Download: Notice Attachment
The students desirous of seeking Revaluation for E3,E2 Sem1-Remedial-CHE Examinations appeared in May,2016 may submit their applications in prescribed proforma(available at Room No.106,AB-II,Examination Section) together with Photo copy of results or grade card and fee ( in the form of Challana at payble at SBI RGUKT) in the examination branch on or before 28/09/2016.
Dear Students,
You are invited to participate in A-WALK, a rally showcasing the unity of RGUKT Basar students. Organized by the Administration of RGUKT Basar and the Well Wishers of RGUKT Basar team, this inspiring event is a call to demonstrate our collective strength, togetherness and solidarity.
Event Details:
Date: 23rd November 2024
Time: 6:30 AM
Venue: Initial gathering at Shathavahana Ground
Chief Guest:
SP Nirmal Dr. G. Janaki Sharmila, IPS
Chief Patron: Vice Chancellor Prof. A. Govardhan
Patron: Administrative Officer Ranadheer sagi
Purpose: The event focuses on the adoption of RGUKT Basar and aims to motivate students to unite and work towards the betterment of the institution.
Mandatory for all students.
PUC 1 and PUC 2 students must attend without fail.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a meaningful rally showcasing the strength and spirit of RGUKT Basar. Let’s come together and make a statement of unity!
Thank you,
RGUKT Basar Administration
Dear Student
please find the class allotment for the online test of SAKSHAM Campus recruitment drive in attached notice.
Training and Placement Office
Download: Notice Attachment
Hello Techies,
All the fastest minds of RGUKT,
Antahpragnya2k18 has come again with the Rubix cube challenge.
All the interested candidates are requested to come to AB2-303 @ 2:00p.m and prove yourself.
Candidates are advised to bring their own Rubix cubes.
Congratulations to all the volunteers,Branch Representatives and Core team members!
Please find the selected list below
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear A.Y19-20 PUC-I-SEM-II Students ,
Please find the attachment for subject cited above
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Student,
It is hereby Informed to all E3 Students that Verbal, soft skills & Employability skills Training Program starts from today (i.e.05-08-16) is designed for benefit of students. All Students need to attend the session without fail.
Go through the attached schedule.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
It is hereby informed to all registered students of TECHWAVE that the TECHWAVE recruitment drive is scheduled on 30.08.2019 & 31.08.2019. Pre-Placement Talk is scheduled at 8:00AM sharp at AB-I auditorium followed by written test at 1st Floor Administrative building.
1. All registered students need to carry hall ticket of Techwave at time of Written Test.
2. Students need to come in formals (Well groomed).
3. Go through the attached notice for class allotment
Placement Office
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
It is hereby informed to all E3 students that the students need to submit their summer internship details in provided link.
Internship Link:
Registration Starts From: 7th June 2019,10:00AM
Registration Ends On:15th June 2019,5:00PM.
Placement office.
Dear Students,
The finalized timetable of AY 21-22_(P1,P2,E3,E4)_EST(Reg)_Final_Feb & Mar-2022.
All the very best.
Download: Notice Attachment
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
It is hereby informed to all the students of B21-Batch that results of re-remedial examinations held in Aug/Sep-24 were published in the hub.This is for your kind information
Controller of Examinations
Dear All,
Please find the below attachment
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
As a part of International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM) - 2017 by the Departments of Chemistry and Physics at SAC Auditorium, cultural programs are scheduled from 6.30PM today i.e. on 19-12-2017, interested students can join for the cultural programs in SAC Auditorium.
There is no restriction that the students shall compulsorily attend for the study hours between 8.00PM to 10.00PM for today.
Academic Section
Please find the below attachment for the AY 22-23-S2-E2-E3-ECE-EEE-REMEDIAL LABS TENTATIVE TIME TABLE.
Download: Notice Attachment
This is to inform all students that our university is celebrating birth anniversary of ACHARYA KOTHAPALLY JAYASHANKAR on 06th August 2016,
For this occasion, Essay writing will be conducted at AB-1, Room No 104 today at 8pm on the topic:
“Telangana Rastra saadhanalo Jayashankar paatra”
The students interested can contact Dr.Vijay Kumar (9985717978), HoD Telugu for further information or can directly appear for Essay writing.
Dean, Students welfare i/c.
Download: Notice Attachment