Academics Notices
Kindly find detials about the same:
Job Location: Bangalore
CTC: 6.8 Lakhs/annum
Educational Qualifications:
· Diploma(Electrical/Electronics/Mechatronics) (2017 and 2018)
· BSC(Electronics)
Interview Locations:
· Bangalore
· Hyderabad
· Chennai
· Cochin
· Mumbai
· Pune
For more details and to apply click on below URL.
Last Date to Apply: 31st March 2018
As part of RGUKT's 11 years of grandeur Journey....
A quiz is being conducted...... So, grab this opportunity and be a part in THE PRIDE of our campus......
Form into a team of 4 students and get ready to receive the reward.
Register here :
Topic: Achievements of RGUKT
Date: 3/8/2019 Saturday @4:30pm
Venue will be discussed soon.......
For queries,
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Please find the Notice.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Please find the attached file below.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Please find attachment, E1 MME Time table will be updated soon.
Download: Notice Attachment
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear P2 Students,
The following students may come to collect Hall tickets in the academic section from 4:30 to 5:30 PM
B100194 B211222
B210003 B211240
B210107 B211251
B210126 B211258
B210140 B211295
B210189 B211298
B210210 B211299
B210273 B211317
B210295 B211338
B210337 B211369
B210338 B211385
B210388 B211388
B210486 B211423
B210507 B211429
B210532 B211435
B210560 B211445
B210603 B211447
B210668 B211457
B210675 B211471
B210683 B211475
B210703 B211477
B210712 B211505
B210716 B211507
B210728 B211520
B210737 B211522
B210741 B211570
B210778 B211601
B210786 B211608
B210844 B211657
B210894 B211661
B210896 B211669
B210901 B211677
B210930 B211680
B210955 B211683
B211005 B211684
B211016 B211729
B211021 B211773
B211024 B211796
B211030 B211802
B211044 B211809
B211131 B211816
B211170 B211825
B211201 B211832
B211217 B211838
B211220 B211848
Academic Section
Dear Students,
Please find attached AY 17-18 Sem1 MT2 Exam halls on 22_09_2017 at 2_30 - 4_00.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear all,
Please find the attachments of the subject cited above.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
It is hereby informed to all the students (TS) that, those who are eligible for the scholarship are required to renew their scholarship application for the Academic Year 2018-19 to avail the fee reimbursement provided by the Government of Telangana State. The link is enabled in a website: for renewal (P2-E4). The Scanners are arranged at O/o. Scholarship Section, Administration Building for students, students can utilize this facility to scan their required documents, this facility will be available daily from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM. For applying through online, internet facility is made available at classroom – 311, AB – II daily from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM exclusively for this purpose.
• These facilities (Scanners and Internet room) provided to the students will be available up to 29.10.2018 by 04:00 PM, thereafter the above facility will not be available for renewal of your Scholarships.
• The students those who failed to apply for renewal of their Scholarship they may loose the opportunity of getting fee reimbursement from Government, in such a case the students are liable to payment of their fees to the University,
• The university is not responsible for late registration and non-submission of your application in time.
All the students of the RGUKT Basar, are here by informed that use of crackers in our entire campus are
strictly prohibited, violation of this leads to serious punishment.
By order
Administrative Officer
Schedule of VassarLabs IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Dear Students
It is here by informed to the below shortlisted students of VassarLabs IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. for telephonic round tomorrow as per scheduled timings (i.e. 21st February 2018). Hence the students have to ready to attend the calls.
Sl.No. Id.No. Name of the Student Mobile No. Scheduled Time
1 B121798 MALYALA SHARANYA 8897877325 FEB 21 with Vaibhav 4-5pm
2 B121250 KAMMARI NAVEEN KUMAR 9491841838 FEB 21 with Vaibhav 4-5pm
3 B121491 NADIGOTI SHRUTHI 9908131621 FEB 21 with sushmita 4-5pm
4 B121171 ARRAJELLA MAHESH 9666641702 FEB 21 with sushmita 4-5pm
5 B121713 DORNALA SWETHA 8184975699 FEB 21 with Shiney 5-6pm
6 B121354 ALGOTE DEVENDHAR 9494456287 FEB 21 with Shiney 5-6pm
7 B121004 PEDDAMMA MEGHANA 9490017358 FEB 21 with Arunima 5-6pm
8 B121259 PULKANTI PREETHIKA 9666625587 FEB 21 with Shiney 5-6pm
9 B121769 MARGAM SRIKANTH 7675051154 FEB 21 with ankit 6-7pm
10 B121385 SRIRAMULU SOUJANYA 9492709720 FEB 21 with ankit 6-7pm
Placement & Training Office
Download: Notice Attachment
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
This is the list of Extra added students to Nizamabad District from Adilabad.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear students,
It is hereby informed to all the students of Current E3S2 and E4S2 to upload the recent passport size photo in the attached google form on or before 21-04-24.This data is collected for the purpose of the generating Hall tickets of upcoming End Semester Examinations(Regular mode) scheduled in April-2024.All the students should upload the photograph in jpeg format without fail.
Controller of Examinations
Dear PUC-1 Students,
Please find the attached file below.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Those who are appearing for Remedial or Grade Improvement exams have to produce payment receipt at the examination hall. Students are not allowed to write exam without payment receipt.
Find the attachment below
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students of PUC-I & II,
Please find the attached time table of iB Group English.
Download: Notice Attachment