Academic Timetables

Academics Notices

Dear Student,

           It is here by informed to all the CRT registered students of E4 that the CRT Program scheduled from 10th-September-2018 to 23rd-September (Excluding 13th sept, 16th sept & 21st sept.3days). All the registered students should attend the CRT program in allotted class rooms in ABII.

Date: 10th-September-2018.
Venue: ABII
Time: 9:00 AM Sharp

Please find the attachment regarding the list of students allotted as class wise and all the students should sit in allocated class rooms in ABII.

Placement Office.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students 

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

                  We would like to inform to all the students who have expressed interest in attending sessions of music,that the cultural club is in the process of arranging classes and further details will be uploaded to the hub in few weeks time.

With regards
Cultural club.


                      -To Amend our Discourse
                     Club Membership
                             A zeal in the mind needs a destination. 
The LIT Club provides you with a new platform to unveil your passion towards skills. This is a call to join us as a member of The LIT Club. There are two different kinds of registrations, one is for Core Club member and the other is for Club membership.    
Core team members required for:   
 Designing team     
 Data management    
 Content Writing    
 Technical(HTML, PHP, JavaScript)    
  Social Media 
Those who register for Core club member, must show their previous works.
Registrations:        Venue: Humanities Building
                              Timing: 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM  

E. Arpan                 8008356285          
S. Sai Charan         9014430725
Mail Id:

Dr. B. Vijay Kumar
Cultural & Social Activities Club 

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

As per the RBI guidelines on KYC norms, all the customers of the bank should submit KYC (Aadhar Card). Hence you are requested to visit the campus branch along with a copy of Aadhar Card on or before 28February, 2020 otherwise account will be blocked.

Note: List of students not submitted their KYC enclosed with this notice.

For any Information please contact:
Bank Manager
SBI - IIIT Campus Basar Branch

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students of E4 that the Skill Gym training program is cancelled with immediate effect for all E4 due to shortage of attendance. 

T & P Cell.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

           It is to inform you all that, the Laptop issuing registration form is available in the Hub. Please fill up the details through below-given URL.
Please find the attached mt2 time table.
Exam Hall: AB2-107

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment.


Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,

Please find the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students 

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Staff,
 It is hereby informed to you that you’re allotted to Election Duty for ULB Elections on Poll day 22-01-2020. Your services will be utilized for the election Webcasting Duty.  This for your kind information.

Establishment Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear All,

Please find the final selects of Kimoha Entrepreneur.

ID NO	NAME	        Specialization
B111506	Rayala Ravi	        Mech
B111527	Karre Sashikumar	Mech
B111085	Vejju Sai Dheeraj	Chem
B111970	Shaikh Musharaf Ahmed	Chem
B111721	Mohd.Moizoddin	Mech

Hearty Congratulations.....

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is hereby informed to all E4  students that the Saksham Conducting recruitment drive for 2018 passouts. Interested and eligible students need to register. 

Note: Internship cum Job offer

Last date for registration: 10.04.2018, 4:30PM.
Date of Drive: 11th April 2018

Placement Office

Download: Notice Attachment

There will be a talk followed by an interactive session with Mr. K.Vidhyasagar Reddy(RGUKT Alumnus & M.Tech in IIT-Bombay) who has been selected for HUAWEI. The session will be on “Importance of Masters and Opportunities Post Completion”.

The talk is being coordinated by the RGU-Basar Alumni Association.

Venue: The talk is on December 20th in AB-I Auditorium at 02:00 PM

Thank you and best wishes!
RGU-Basar Alumni Association