Academics Notices

Academics Notices

Dear all,

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.


Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
It is to informed you that the enclosed list of PUC-I students have not yet join the google classroom.
Therefore, the students who are facing problem to join the google classroom, may please drop a mail to the
or contact Academic Section Mob. no. 9492302117

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all

Please find the attached circular of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
It is to informed you that the enclosed list of PUC-II students have not yet join the google classroom.
Therefore, the students who are facing problem to join the google classroom, may please drop a mail to the

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
It is to informed you that the enclosed list of PUC-II students have not yet join the google classroom.
Therefore, the students who are facing problem  to join the google classroom, may please drop a mail to the

Academic section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear All,

Lab remedial end semester exams for the Sem1 of AY19-20 is scheduled from 16.03.2021 to 20.03.2021.

This is for your information

Academic Section
Dear Students, 

Please find the enclosed subject-cited circular.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

Please find the attachment of E3&E4 comprehensive viva circular.


Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,
Please find the attachment regarding subject cited above.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

Head of the Department,
Mechanical Engineering.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

Head of the Department,
Mechanical Engineering

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

Please find the attached circular of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment