TechFest - Notices

It is hereby informed to all the branch student coordinators and central team members should collect their certificates by tomorrow (i.e. 01-02-2017)  from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm.
For details contact: A.Naveen (8464858790)

Please find the attachment below.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students from P1 to E4 who are interested to participate in technical treasure hunt, “Tech Hunt” should submit their team list .

Download: Notice Attachment

Antah Pragnya 2k17 has been commenced.

Get ready for the upcoming event which will be conducted on 3rd, 4th and 5th of March, 2017.

Please find the following department events promotion poster.

Download: Notice Attachment

For the Tech Fest, that is going to be held in our campus, we are inviting students to come up with innovative ideas for technical events.

Please find the attachment

Download: Notice Attachment

It is to inform all that ROBON PLUS is going to be organized from ECE department as part of the Technical events on 26th January 2017 in the afternoon session. All the students are invited for the event.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,here is a time to show your creativity. Come up with your doodles for AntahPragnya-2k17.

Please find the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is here by informed to following members to collect their certificates of AntahPragnya2k17.
AB-2, Class:309,

7)B111498-SRI SINDHU
It is hereby informed to all the students from P1 to E4 that those who are doing working models are requested to submit their abstracts to their respective department faculty coordinators immediately.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students, its time for you to join hands with AntahPragnya2k17. Students interested in designing and editing from PUC and Engineering are hereby invited to show their charm.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is here by informed to all the organizers of AntahPragnya-2k16 to collect their certificates.
Please find the attachment for the list of members.

Download: Notice Attachment

Please find the attachment for Selected logo of AntahPragnya-2k17.

Download: Notice Attachment

Find the selection list of Tech fest 2k17 organization team. The list is tentative and the number may increase or decrease according to the requirement and the performance of the selected candidates. Some more teams will be adding to the central committee. 

The selection of E1, P2 and P1 students will be done after pongal vacation and dates will be intimated later.  

All the selected candidates should assemble in the tech fest class room on 16/01/2017 evening without fail.  

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that who applied for the tech fest organizing team, the selection process will be in ABII-309 at 4 pm tomorrow i.e. 6/1/2017. Get ready for the process.

Note: New applications are also accepted till that time.

Bandi Raj Kumar,
Convener, Technical events.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that the Tech Fest-2K17 is going to be held in our campus. We are expecting students to come up with unique Logo. The best will be selected and awarded. Interested students can submit their ideas in drawing to the Tech Fest Organization team. 

Last date for submission is 05/01/2017

Download: Notice Attachment

It is hereby informed to all the students that the Tech Fest-2K17 is going to be held in our campus. We are expecting students to come up with unique Logo. The best will be selected and awarded. Interested students can submit their ideas in drawing to the Tech Fest Organization team. 

For further details pls find the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment

Students interested to be part of the Tech fest Organizing team can refer the following attachment for the further details.

Download: Notice Attachment