Biographies of Famous Personalities
Born : 476 CE in Kusumapura, pataliputra (present day Patna). Died : 550 CE
Works : * Place value system and zero
* Approximation of pi He concluded that pi is irrational which is accurate to five significant figure 3.1416
* He gave the area of triangle as “for a triangle, the result of a side of a perpendicular with the half side is the area”
* He discussed the concept of sine * Indeterminant equations *Aryabhatta provided elegant results for the summation of series of squares and cubes 1^2+2^2+......+n^2=n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
1^3+2^3+...... +n^3=(1+2+....+n)^2
(This identity is called Nicomachus's theorem)
* In astronomy he mainly worked on motions of solar system, solar and lunar eclipse area, Sideral priods, Heliocentrism.