Academics Notices
Dear Students,
Find the attachment for E2,E3 & E4 -SEM2-Tentative Timetables
Download: Notice Attachment
All the Students are encouraged to use multi resources of Content Servers and NPTEL Server URLs.
System Administration.
Download: Notice Attachment
On the eve of National Mathematics Day 2017,Dapartment of Mathematics is launching Math Club.In this connection department will be conducting the following events.
1.Math Quiz
2.Math Seminars
3.Treasure Hunt
4.Spell Pi/Spell Pi
5.Tower of Hanoi Game
6.Popular Talks by eminent Professors
The Dates ,rules and regulations regarding the events will be notified soon.
Dear Students,
This is to bring to your attention that, for the AY_23-24_E3_S2_EST_Reg-Apr&Mar-24 examination hall tickets will be distributed to the concerned class representatives on 26th Apr-24(Friday) at AB-II Room No:105 within the specified time slots as given below. All concerned class representatives must collect their hall tickets within the specified time period and make sure that every student have hall ticket with them while appearing for the examination.
Slot1: E3: 12:20PM-1:00 PM
Note: Students having hall tickets with no photos printed on them, must attach the passport sized photo on the hall tickets and get it stamped at the examination counter prior to the examination. It is mandatory to have a photo on your hall ticket, and failure to do so may result in not being allowed to appear for the exam.
Wishing you all the best for your upcoming exams.
It is hereby informed to all the students of E4 that the JYOTHI SPECTRO ANALYSIS Pvt. Ltd. would like to conduct recruitment drive for all the students of MME of E4. The eligibility criteria for the positions are given below.
Note: Interested candidates are required to register in the O/o. Training & Placement, Omega-5, Old Academic Block by 25th March 2017, 05:00PM.
The interested candidates are required to submit their soft copy of Resume at the time of Registration at O/o. Training & Placement.
Eligibility Criterion:
Description Criterion
Stream- B Tech MME
Year of pass 2017
CTC Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 10,000/-
Job Location Balanagar, Hyderabad
Selection Process:
• Telephonic Interview
• Personal Interview
T & P Cell.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Go through the attached list of Defaulters of T&P Registration.
Placement Office
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
Please find the attachment
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear E3 CSE students
Please find the attached file for the Lab External Schedule
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students,
It is to inform that ADP recruitment drive is scheduled on 15th Dec 2017.
Placement cell
All the students are intimated that academic blocks will be closed in the afternoon and academic blocks will be opened after 5:30 P.M.
Dear Learners
We are happy to announce that we have 01 Free Special Online Course active from IRS-ISRO, Department of Space, Govt. of India.
Course Timing: Course to be conducted in Evening Session (1600-1730 IST)
Course Name: IIRS Outreach Programme on Geo-informatics for
Biodiversity Conservation Planning
Tentative Time Slot: Dec 06- Dec 17, 2021
Duration: 2 Weeks
by RGUKT-Basar Nodal center ISRO Outreach Network Institute RGUKT-Basar
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear all,
The Exam registration is open for the NPTEL Courses scheduled on OCT 29/30th 2022 , all the students from RGUKT Basar who had enrolled for these courses, please follow the Exam registration steps as shared in the attachment below.
Exam registration URL is:
All details regarding Local chapter scholarship and the steps are in the attachment.
Last date for exam registration is 16th September 2022.
Best Wishes
S.Chand Rakesh Roshan
SWAYAM - NPTEL Coordinator
Download: Notice Attachment
As a part of Antahprgnya-2k18 Department of Mathematics is conducting the following four events.
1. Add Prime and Get Prime
2. Crazy Cube
3. Math Chain
4. Pi Fibonacci
Please find the details of the events in the attachments.
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Student,
It is hereby informed to all the students of E4 that the Dhruvsoft would like to conduct campus recruitment for all the students of E4 ECE (Male) The eligibility criteria for the positions are given below.
Note: Interested ECE Male candidates are required to register in the following link by 28 March 2017, 02:00PM.
Registration Link:
Eligibility Criterion:
Description Criterion
Stream: B Tech ECE (Male)
Marks/Grades: X, XII, B.Tech
Backlogs: No backlogs
Year of pass: 2017
0 to 6 Months: Stipend 8K
1st Year : 1.44LPA
2nd Year: 2.4LPA
3rd Year onwards: Based on Performance
Bond: 2 years
Job Location: Hyderabad
Position: Trainee Software Developer
Selection Process:
• Written Test
• Technical Interview
• Personal Interview
T & P Cell.
Dear PUC-I and PUC-II students,
find the attachment for subject cited above.
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Job Announcement of EDTEX – Phase-II
The T&P Team wishes to inform about a career opportunity at Edtex. Edtex would like to hire Computer Science Engineering graduates of 2024 for Software Engineer role in QA/QC Automation, Testing and Customer Deployment Success, with following eligibility criteria.
• Branch: CSE
• CGPA: 7 and above
Job Profile:
• Job Designation: Software Engineer (QA/QC Automation, Testing and Customer Deployment Success)
• Place of Posting: Hyderabad
• Job Description : Software Engineering role in QA/QC Automation, Testing and Product Deployment in Cloud and Customer Success Enablement
• Any other details : Primarily use various Automation, Security, QC and Testing frameworks on our Products,
Knowledge of Java Stack, Angular, My SQL, Cloud Technologies is acquired on the role.
Salary Details
• Cost to Company (Rs. In lakhs per annum) : 630,000
• Gross : 580,000
• Basic : 240,000
• HRA : 120,000
• Bonus/Perks/Incentive (if any) : 100,000
• Others : 120,000
• Bond or Service Contract : Yes (3 years upon joining the full time service)
(If yes, give details) :
• Training / Probationary period (if any) : 1 month (during the Internship phase)
Stipend: 15000 / month
Selection Procedure:
• Written Test
• Shortlist from Resumes
• Group Discussion
• Personal Interview
• Technical Interview
How to Apply: If meet the eligibility criteria and interested about this opportunity, please apply through the Training & Placement Portal ( by January 29, 2024.
T & P Office
Download: Notice Attachment
The final select of Thought Works
B121387 Swathi Manthri CSE
Training & Placement Office
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Students
Academic Section
Download: Notice Attachment
Dear Student,
Please find the attachment for more details.
Interested students need to register link provided below.
Download: Notice Attachment