Academics Notices

Academics Notices

Dear All,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

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Dear Students

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited.

Academic Section

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Dear Students, even after repeated remainders from Academic Section, some students have failed to submit the medical certificates in time for all the medical treatments which they have undergone during AY 17-18 Sem2.
This is the last call for the submission of medical reports along with medical certificates on or before 04/04/2018 by 5pm.

Academic Section.
Dear Students,

Please find attachment.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students/Staff

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

The below mentioned students are not submitted required documents to renewal of Bighelp scholarship, hence you are requested to submit immediately to the Bighelp Foundation.

Any queries you meet in Academic Section

NMS Bighelp Students list - Basara
S.No.	Name of the winner	Course	Documents
1	Sangeetha Gaje 	IIIT 5th Year	Not Received
2	Nagaraju Narva	IIIT 4th Year	Not Received
3	Mounika pushkalini Jabbisetty	IIIT 3rd Year	Not Received
4	Shireesha Vishatha	IIIT 2nd Year	Not Received
5	Anusha Palle	IIIT 2nd Year	Not Received
6	Manasa Perumandla	IIIT 2nd Year	Not Received
7	Pavithra Siripuram	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
8	Sai Teja Chunchu	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
9	Sangeetha Guntha	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
10	Soumya Namala	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
11	Deepika Tekumatla	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
12	Triveni Kampasati	IIIT 1st Year	Not Received
13	Sushma Rathod	Inter -2	Not Received
14	Akhila Lakajigari	Inter -2	Not Received
15	Satwika Kanike	Enginnering - 2nd Year 	Not Received

Bighelp Foundation
Dear Students

Attached is the list of students whose attendance is found below 75.00% as on 02/03/2018. The students might be aware that if they are failed to put in 75.00% attendance, they are barred to appear for the End Semester Examinations. The students shall refer to the handbook on Academic Rules and Regulations which has already been given to everyone.

The students whose attendance is below 75.00% shall put in all their efforts to increase the same to 75.00% and the same shall be maintained throughout the entire semester. This notice is given to all the students to make them aware of their current attendance percentage and further to make them alert for increasing the same.

If any student has been absent to the classes on medical grounds, they shall submit all their medical prescriptions/certificates/reports to the Academic Section as and when they are back from home to the Campus so that the Academic Section verifies their eligibility to condon the attendances (as mentioned in Academic Rules and Regulations) if their attendance is found inadequate.

Academic Section

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Dear Students

It is hereby informed that the afternoon classes of Engineering students have been suspended on 08/03/2018 in view of the International Women's Day Celebrations - 2018 in the University Campus.

So, all the girl-students are required to attend the celebrations as per the schedule given by Women’s Cell of the University.

Academic Section
Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

Please find the attachment of subject cited above.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Sir/Madam

The following changes have been made in PUC - I time tables
 i.  IT class on Tuesday, First Hour, has been shifted to Fourth  Hour, and the Fourth Hour Chemistry,shifted to First Hour.
 ii. Chemistry class on Wednesday, Third Hour, has been shifted to Fifth  Hour, and the Fifth Hour Maths,shifted to Third Hour.
  iii.  Maths class on Thursday, Fifth Hour, has been shifted to Saturday Fourth  Hour, and the Saturday Fourth Hour Chemistry,shifted to Thursday  Fifth Hour.

The new allocation has been marked in Yellow colour in the time table for your information.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,
Please find Revised Timetable of E1 & E2 ECE, After Reallocation of Engineering Drawing and COA-Lab Courses. w.e.f 24.02.2018

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear All,

The following students should meet in Academic Section immediately regarding Bighelp for Education.

Bighelp for Education

Download: Notice Attachment

“Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn”

                                                                                                 - Benjamin Franklin


We couldn’t wait anymore to involve you in a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talent and win a cash prize of up to Rs 50,000*


TATA Crucible Hackathon - Campus Edition 2018, provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in solving real world challenges framed by the experts from Tata group. These challenges will not only entice your cognitive skills but will also push you further into the world of cutting edge technologies. iB Hubs is the Execution Partner for the 2018 edition.


The challenges are now open for the preliminary round, in which teams from all over India can submit solutions to the challenge(s) of their choice. In this stage, you would have to submit your approach to solve the problem, online.


In the final round, selected teams will be invited to the respective zonal cities to​ ​demonstrate their prototype to jury.  The most innovative prototype(s) from each zone will be awarded a cash prize of up to Rs. 50,000*.


A team of two to five students from same or different institutes can participate in the hackathon.


​​Hurry Up! Last date to submit your online solution(s) : 15th February 2018!


Register here:


To know more, please visit 

URL: Click Here

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Dear Students

Attached is the list of students whose attendance is found below 75.00% as on 05/02/2018. The students might be aware that if they are failed to put in 75.00% attendance, they are barred to appear for the End Semester Examinations. The students shall refer to the handbook on Academic Rules and Regulations which has already been given to everyone.

The students whose attendance is below 75.00% shall put in all their efforts to increase the same to 75.00% and the same shall be maintained throughout the entire semester. This notice is given to all the students to make them aware of their current attendance percentage and further to make them alert for increasing the same.

If any student has been absent to the classes on medical grounds, they shall submit all their medical prescriptions/certificates/reports to the Academic Section as and when they are back from home to the Campus so that the Academic Section verifies their eligibility to condon the attendances (as mentioned in Academic Rules and Regulations) if their attendance is found inadequate.

Note: The students shall meet their respective faculty, if they find any discrepancy in the attendance submitted, for immediate necessary action.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

Please find the attachment of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

It is to inform you that some classes have been allocated to conduct Remedial and Grade Improvement (GI) Examinations which are being held from 27/01/2018 to 03/02/2018. The students have already been notified through notices, from time to time, about the cancellation of their classes and the re-scheduling of the same on 03/02/2018.

So, it is a gentle reminder for you to attend the classes on 03/02/2018 (Saturday) which are being held in compensation to the classes cancelled for conducting Remedial/GI Examinations.

Academic Section
Dear Students

It is to inform you that the Academic Section compiles attendances of each student before Monthly Tests and End Semester Examinations. If any student is failed to put in the required percentage of attendance, he/she may be barred to appear for the examinations.

In view of this, it is to suggest all the students to verify their attendances everyday on the University Hub and  if any discrepancies are found in the attendances submitted, they shall be immediately reported to the faculty concerned or to the Academic section for immediate rectification.

Academic Section