Academics Notices

Academics Notices

Dear students,
Pfa for  AY 17-18 SEM2 PUC-II TIMETABLE, w.e.f.27.11.17
The commencement of the current semester from 27/11/2017. You all are required to attend the classes according to the time table.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,
Pfa for  AY 17-18 SEM2 E1-E3 MME TIMETABLE, w.e.f.27.11.17
The commencement of the current semester from 27/11/2017. You all are required to attend the classes according to the time table.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

As per the note approval of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor dt.21/11/2017, permission is accorded to pay the tuition fee and complete the registration process of Semester-II for the Academic year 2017-18 on or before 30/11/2017.

In this regard, registration for Semester-II of AY 2017-18 is extended till 30/11/2017. Hence, all the students from PUC-I to E4 are informed to clear their dues and complete the registration process of Semester-II for the Academic year 2017-18 on or before 30/11/2017 without fail. Failing which, after the due date, a late registration fee of Rs.500/- will be charged for registering for Sem-II.

Note: Registration link for E4 Sem-II of AY 2017-18 is active from 24/11/2017 to 30/11/2017.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students,

It is to inform that the link of course registration for Semester-II of Academic year 2017-18 for the students who cleared their tuition fee dues will be kept opened till 24/11/2017 by 11.59 PM. Hence, you are informed to pay the dues in time and complete the registration process without fail.
It is to inform that the following list of students have not participated yet in the staff feedback survey for the Academic year 2017-18 Semester-I. It is extended up to 22nd November, 2017 to participate in the staff feedback survey only to the list of students attached herewith. Hence, you are informed to participate in the feedback survey on or before 22/11/2017 without fail to become eligible for registration of Semester-II for the AY 2017-18.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

Please find the attached Circular of the subject cited.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

Please find the attachment for detailed information.

Download: Notice Attachment

It is to inform that the students who did not participate in the staff feedback survey can participate in the survey on or before 13.11.2017 till 10.00 PM. The students further failing to participate in the feedback survey will not be permitted in the Semester registration.
Notice for M.Tech 1st Year Students.

Academic Section.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear students,

It is to inform that the last date for list of students having attendance >=59% and <65% are permitted to write EST with some restrictions on medical grounds and on a payment of Rs. 5,000/- as condonation fee (the list is attached herewith) is 17/11/2017.

The students can pay the above amount on or before 17/11/2017. The applications after the 17/11/2017 will not be permitted.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear Students

With reference to the note approval by Hon'ble Vice - Chancellor dated 10.11.2017 the order attached with this mail has been issued. 

The students having attendance >=59% and <65% are permitted to write EST with some restrictions on medical grounds and on a payment of Rs. 5,000/- as condonation fee.

The students having attendance below 59% are not eligible to write any exam and are not promoted to the next Semester.

Academic Section

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear E4 students,

Please find the attachment of Procedure of 6 months Project Internship for E4 students for the Academic year 2017-18 Semester-II.

Download: Notice Attachment

Dear all,

As per the directions of Associate Dean Academics, the University library will be opened 24 hours (round the clock) during 10.11.2017 to 22.11.2017 for reading / reference.

Issuing of books in library will be between 9 am to 5 pm only.
Dear Students,

It is to inform that the class rooms of PUC-I to E4 will be opened only between 8.00 PM and 10.00 PM till the end of the Semester-I EST exams
It is to inform that as the End Semester exams are scheduled from 11.11.2017, all the class rooms (except M.Tech class rooms) will remain closed from tomorrow i.e. 10.11.2017 at 10.00 PM. Hence, the students are requested to take away all their belongings from their respective class rooms which include books and any other material from their laptops.

The class rooms will remain closed completely till the end of the End Semester exams

Download: Notice Attachment

It is to inform that all the students are required to participate in the staff feedback survey for the Academic Year 2017-18 Semester-I. The link will be enabled in hub credentials.

The students who do not participate in the feedback survey will not be permitted for Semester-II registration.

For detailed schedule of feedback survey, you can go through the attachment.

Download: Notice Attachment